Monday, October 20, 2008

World of Warcraft... my anti-life...

Recently, Blizzard has introduced "achievements" into World of Warcraft. When I first heard about this news, I couldn't care less (seeing as how I don't even try for achievements on my Xbox Live account). However, when this particular addition to the game was implemented, something happened, something grave and life consuming. Upon logging into my WoW account, I saw a rain of achievements hit my Paladin (a toon I have been playing since the day that WoW was released), and curiosity got the better of me. I thought to myself, what other achievements have they put into the game. This was followed by thoughts of "I can do that one no problem while I wait for an instance run", and soon it was "Oh Hell, I can get that Hallows End title with only 12 or so hours of work, and some luck".

Well, after only about 6 hours of in game work, I almost have the title, except for the real pain in the ass, rub my lucky rabbit's foot, polish my horse shoe, nail a leprachaun from behind while sacrificing virgins to the gods of old kind of luck that I will need to complete the very last part. Now to explain this part to the nonWoW playing population, this last part of the achievement I am on requires two items that a boss drops. each item only drops 2.5% of the time that the boss is killed, and typically, the boss can only be killed by a person 5 times a day. These statistics combined with the fact that the other 4 people that kill the boss with you want them also, and that the boss can only be killed for two weeks, makes this requirement seem almost impossible banning the heretical type of luck based practice I described above. In light of this I have virtually relinquished my quest for the Hallows End title (I'll run the Headless Horseman, but my hopes are rather dashed).

This is alright though, because I am having fun being a Ret Pally for the time being. I am able to kill other players now (and not in the over powered way many people are crying about), and soloing is very fun. I even managed to obtain an arena season 2 two-handed sword, which was a nice little upgrade from what I had. And tonight, I will begin all of my fun with Stratholme. First, I plan to farm the undead side of Strath to try to obtain a death charger mount from the baron. Second, I plan to infect myself with the new (and rather awesome) zombie virus, become a zombie, and wander into undead Strath to see if anything interesting happens. I will let all you little nooblets know what happens later.

So yes, WoW is once again my anti-life, but at least it is amusing and saving me money (god, hitting bars and buying girls drinks without end results sucks and is expensive). In contrast, I now sit in front of a computer, where thousands of beautiful (18 and older) girls are ready to not touch me the same way bar girls don't touch me, however, I can at least see them naked in free 6 second thumbnail clips. All in all, a nice little short term win/win for myself.

QQ more noobs...

1 comment:

Datix said...

Two things..

1) The Squashling and Helm are able to be obtained through trick or treat bags now. My alts came up with two pets and two helms last night alone. So it may not be out of reach.

2) The drop rate on the Baron's mount is now 1/100 instead of the ridiculous number it was.

Both of these were confirmed by blues today (and of course by me getting the items).

Good luck!