Today I would will dedicate my post to rampaging robots, the falling economy, and zombie invasions (well, mostly how we'll all be better off if robots destroy us, and zombies consume our brains in loo of the economy).
Now if you are a Transformers fan, then the most recent comic series "All Hail Megatron" is the title line for you (unless you're a wussy autobot lover... ok, Grimlock is cool, but still). The series approaches what the universe, or more namely Earth, would be like if the Atuobots never showed up to save the day. It all begins with the arrival of the classic green and pruple constructicons, and their lovely speach "We come in peace... ours is a message of kindness." *sharp looks at each other, and then* "Bwa hahahaha!", and all soon followed with blaster shots into crowds of fleshy masses.
So far, all of my favorite classic decepticons have appeared in the series to cause havok and hell. I won't spoil anymore of the events or story for you, so I'll end this discussion with a short review.
Art: Awesome!
The humans look a little off, but who cares, all the transformers are crisp looking and in classic form.
Story: Awesome!
If you are a huge Decepticon, or just classic Transformers, fan then it is great. It all follows a very good "this is how it would happen if..." run.
Characterization: Awesome Sauced +!!
All of the characters are perfect (in regards to how they were back in the good old days). We even see the beginnings of some great advancement in the characterization of some of the Decepticons. Just amazing!
Format: Awesome!
This series is a 12 issue run. Which I think is superb. Four to Five issues would have seemed too few for such a great concept, and I think it would lose its luster if it was a forever going series. So far, 12 issues seems like a good number (3 of the 12 are currently available). In addition, 12 issues will translate very well into either one massive trade hardback, or 2 smaller trade paperbacks.
Overall Rating: Awesome Sauced!
As you can see, I am already biased because I love the Decepticons. This along with the great art, story, and format already ranks the series in high regards for me. Yet, with the characterization being absolutely flawless so far, the series is pushed past a mere "Awesome!" to "Awesome Sauced!" value. Final words... read "All Hail Megatron" NOW!!
Now in regards to the current state of the US economy, questions have arsien in regards to "how is your retirement plan looking?" Many people are concerned for their retirement plan, and I can not blame some of them. If retirement was your plan within the next 4 years, then I am sorry, but you are very possibly going to get screwed out of a lot of money. Of course it is not all happy go lucky for us young people either.
*Read this link, become enligthened or whatever hippies call it, and then please continue*
So unfortunately for the older crowd, they are basically forced to continue working instead of retiring now (after all, nobody wants to downgrade their lifestyle voluntarily), and us younger people are denied those more prestige job titles (be them actually more prestigious, or merely full-time classification with benefits). Yes this sucks and is horrible, but my theory is that at least us young people won't have to worry about retirement in a classic sense. With the end of the world approaching soon (rumored to be 2012, ), us young people will only have to worry about surviving vast deserts of nothing, alien invasions, or my personal wager... zombie hordes.
With my bet for the end of the world being zombie invasions, I have already secured my retirement. Her name is forgiveness, and she is a heavy axe that is spcialized at cleaving and rending like no other. My backup plan (since even 401k seems shakey right now) is my post on Craig's List seeking out a monk trained in the ways of zombie slaying that is interested in teaching.
In conclussion, retirement is looking shittier and shittier everyday for those that are close to it. For those of us that are still young, the prospects of the world ending within 4 years makes retirement nothing more than a gimmick to make us try to invest our money into ill fated programs and portfolios instead of sound investments ( for more information on supposed good investments, which I haven't read, so you are warned) such as Shaolin Spades and good running shoes.
Oh well, who wants to start a church with me to praise our soon to be robot leaders, and train to fight zomibes?!
"All Hail MEGATRON!!!"